Visual Rhetoric
12 products
Series Editor: Marguerite Helmers
This series brings together work by scholars in a wide variety of disciplines, including art theory, anthropology, rhetoric, cultural studies, psychology, film, and media studies, with the aim of studying the perception, reception, and interpretation of visual content and design. Read the full series description and submission guidelines.
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products

Design for Composition: Inspiration for Creative Visual and Multimodal Projects
From Rs. 2,700
In stock

Writing in the Clouds: Inventing and Composing in Internetworked Writing Spaces
From Rs. 2,300
In stock

The Afterlife of Discarded Objects: Memory and Forgetting in a Culture of Waste
From Rs. 1,800
In stock

Haptic Visions: Rhetorics of the Digital Image, Information, and Nanotechnology
From Rs. 1,800
In stock

Writing the Visual: A Practical Guide for Teachers of Composition and Communication
From Rs. 1,800
In stock
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