Walking and Talking Feminist Rhetorics: Landmark Essays and Controversies

Buchanan and Ryan978-1-60235-135-6

Format: Paperback
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Edited by Lindal Buchanan and Kathleen J. Ryan

Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Composition
Edited by Thomas Rickert and Jennifer Bay

Information and Pricing
978-1-60235-135-6 (paperback, $40.00); 978-1-60235-137-0 (PDF, $19.99), © 2010 by Parlor Press. 504 pages, with introduction, bibliographies, and index.

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About This Book

Walking and Talking Feminist Rhetorics: Landmark Essays and Controversies gathers significant, oft-cited scholarship about feminism and rhetoric into one convenient volume. Essays examine the formation of the vibrant and growing field of feminist rhetoric; feminist historiographic research methods and methodologies; and women’s distinct sites, genres, and styles of rhetoric. The book’s most innovative and pedagogically useful  feature is its presentation of controversies in the form of case studies, each consisting of exchanges between or among scholars about significant questions. These debates have shaped the field’s past and continue to influence its present and future directions. The collection provides both students and teachers with an accessible introduction to and comprehensive overview of the intersections of feminisms and rhetorics.

In Walking and Talking Feminist Rhetorics, Lindal Buchanan and Kathleen J. Ryan “have presented the field of feminist rhetorics . . . with an important and timely collection of primary scholarly work, the first collection of late twentieth and twenty-first century published scholarship in this field that they claim is here to stay. Feminist rhetorics, they assert, is ‘no longer a promising possibility or a nascent area of study but has, in fact, arrived.’ I agree with them, and I applaud their bold yet careful stance in framing this ‘walk through’ feminist rhetorics.” — Kate Ronald, “Foreword”

Contributors include Barbara Biesecker, Patricia Bizzell, Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, Vicki Tolar Collins (Burton), Celeste. M. Condit, Robert Connors, Jane Donawerth, Bonnie J. Dow, ​Lisa Ede, Jessica Enoch, Sonja K. Foss, Xin Liu Gale, Cheryl Glenn, Cindy. L. Griffin, Susan Jarratt, Nan Johnson, Shirley Wilson Logan, Andrea Lunsford, Carol Mattingly, Roxanne Mountford, Mary Queen, Krista Ratcliffe, Susan Romano, Mary B. Tonn, Hui Wu, and Susan Zaeske.

About the Editors

Lindal Buchanan is Assistant Professor of English and Women’s Studies at Old Dominion University. Kathleen J. Ryan is Associate Professor of English and the Director of Composition at the University of Montana.


Introduction: Walking and Talking through the Field of Feminist Rhetorics
Lindal Buchanan and Kathleen J. Ryan

Part 1 Charting the Emergence of Feminist Rhetorics

Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, "Introduction" Man Cannot Speak for Her: A Critical Study of Early Feminist Rhetoric
Susan Jarratt, "Speaking to the Past: Feminist Historiography in Rhetoric"
Cheryl Glenn, "sex, lies, and manuscript: Refiguring Aspasia in the History of Rhetoric"
Lisa Ede, Cheryl Glenn, and Andrea Lunsford, "Border Crossings: Intersections of Rhetoric and Feminism"
Krista Ratcliffe, "Bathsheba's Dilemma: Defining, Discovering, and Defending Anglo-American Feminist Theories of Rhetorics(s)"

Part 2 Articulating and Enacting Feminist Methods and Methodologies

Patricia Bizzell, "Feminist Methods of Research in the History of Rhetoric: What Difference Do They Make?"
Susan Romano, "The Historical Catalina Hernández: Inhabiting the Topoi of Feminist Historiography"
Vicki Tolar Collins (Burton), "The Speaker Respoken: Rhetoric as Feminist Methodology"
Hui Wu, "Historical Studies of Women Here and There: Methodological Challenges to Dominant Interpretive Frameworks"
Jessica Enoch, "Survival Stories: Feminist Historiographic Approaches to Chicana Rhetorics of Sterilization Abuse"
Mary Queen, "Transnational Feminist Rhetorics in a Digital World"

Part 3 Exploring Gendered Sites, Genres, and Styles of Rhetoric

Jane Donawerth, "Conversation and the Boundaries of Public Discourse in Rhetorical Theory by Renaissance Women"
Susan Zaeske, "The 'Promiscuous Audience' Controversy and the Emergence of the Early Women's Rights Movement"
Shirley Wilson Logan, "Black Women on the Speaker's Platform (1832-1899)”
Nan Johnson, "Reigning in the Court of Silence: Women and Rhetorical Space in Postbellum America"
Carol Mattingly, "Woman's Temple, Women's Fountains: The Erasure of Public Memory"
Bonnie J .Dow and M. B Tonn, " 'Feminine Style' and Political Judgment in the Rhetoric of Ann Richards"

Part 4 Examining Controversies: Four Case Studies

Case Study 1 Debating Disciplinary Directions: Recovery versus Retheorizing
Barbara Biesecker, "Coming to Terms with Recent Attempts to Write Women into the History of Rhetoric"
Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, "Biesecker Cannot Speak for Her Either"

Case Study 2 Debating the Aims of Discourse: Persuasive versus Invitational Rhetoric, Samuel R Evans
Sonja K. Foss and Cindy L Griffin, "Beyond Persuasion: A Proposal for an Invitational Rhetoric"
Celeste M. Condit, "In Praise of Eloquent Diversity: Gender and Rhetoric as Public Persuasion"

Case Study 3 Debating Causality: Women and the Demise of Rhetorical Education
Robert Connors, "Gender Influences: Composition-Rhetoric as an Irenic Rhetoric"
Roxanne Mountford, "Feminization of Rhetoric?"

Case Study 4 Debating Ethos: Traditional versus Feminist Research Methods, Barbara Hebert
Xin Liu Gale, "Historical Studies and Postmodernism: Rereading Aspasia of Miletus"
Cheryl Glenn, "Comment: Truth, Lies, and Method: Revisiting Feminist Historiography"
Susan Jarratt, "Comment: Rhetoric and Feminism: Together Again"

Selected Bibliography
Works Cited
About the Editors

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