
Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Composition

30 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 30 products
Rhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures: Refiguring College English StudiesRhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures: Refiguring College English Studies
When Your Way Gets Dark: A Rhetoric of the BluesWhen Your Way Gets Dark: A Rhetoric of the Blues
Composing a Community: A History of Writing Across the CurriculumComposing a Community: A History of Writing Across the Curriculum
Networked Process: Dissolving Boundaries of Process and Post-ProcessNetworked Process: Dissolving Boundaries of Process and Post-Process
The Promise and Perils of Writing Program AdministrationThe Promise and Perils of Writing Program Administration
1977: A Cultural Moment in Composition1977: A Cultural Moment in Composition
Stories of Mentoring: Theory and PraxisStories of Mentoring: Theory and Praxis
Roman Rhetoric: Revolution and the Greek InfluenceRoman Rhetoric: Revolution and the Greek Influence
Transforming English Studies: New Voices in an Emerging GenreTransforming English Studies: New Voices in an Emerging Genre
Ancient Non-Greek RhetoricsAncient Non-Greek Rhetorics
Ancient Non-Greek Rhetorics
From 218 kr
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Greek Rhetoric Before Aristotle 2eGreek Rhetoric Before Aristotle 2e
Rewriting Success in Rhetoric and Composition CareersRewriting Success in Rhetoric and Composition Careers
Contingency, Immanence, and the Subject of RhetoricContingency, Immanence, and the Subject of Rhetoric
First-Year Composition: From Theory to PracticeFirst-Year Composition: From Theory to Practice
Expel the Pretender: Rhetoric Renounced and the Politics of StyleExpel the Pretender: Rhetoric Renounced and the Politics of Style
Facing the Sky: Composing through Trauma in Word and ImageFacing the Sky: Composing through Trauma in Word and Image

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