A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators 2e


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Edited by Rita Malenczyk
2nd Edition

Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Composition
Edited by Thomas Rickert and Jennifer Bay

Information and Pricing
978-1-60235-846-1 (paperback, $45) 978-1-60235-847-8 (hardcover, $90) 978-1-60235-848-5 (PDF, $24.99); 978-1-60235-849-2 (EPUB, $24.99) © 2016 by Parlor Press. 541 pages, with notes, bibliography, illustrations, and index.

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About This Book

A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators (2nd Edition) presents the major issues and questions in the field of writing program administration. The collection provides aspiring, new, and seasoned WPAs with the theoretical lenses, terminologies, historical contexts, and research they need to understand the nature, history, and complexities of their intellectual and administrative work. Each of the thirty-six chapters asks a direct question about an issue WPAs will need or want to answer, including such concepts as institutional politics, retention, technology, WAC, placement, ESL, general education, transfer, and many more. Its forty-four contributors are experienced writing program and writing center administrators who, in a diverse range of voices, map the discipline and help readers find their own ways to identify and solve problems at home institutions. Now in its Second Edition, A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators, includes new essays on technology, threshold concepts, retention, and independent writing programs. Many other essays have been updated to reflect emergent concerns in higher education and WPA work.

Edited by Rita Malenczyk, contributors include Linda Adler-Kassner, Paul V. Anderson, Chris M. Anson, Hannah Ashley, William P. Banks, Mary R. Boland, Christiane Donahue, Doug Downs, Heidi Estrem, Lauren Fitzgerald, Tom Fox, Chris W. Gallagher, Jeffrey M. Gerding, Roger Gilles, Gregory R. Glau, Eli Goldblatt, Robert M. Gonyea, Kristine Hansen, Susanmarie Harrington, Douglas Hesse, Melissa Ianetta, Joseph Janangelo, Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Seth Kahn, Neal Lerner, Barry Maid, Rita Malenczyk, Peggy O'Neill, Charles Paine, Pegeen Reichert Powell, Melody Pugh, E. Shelley Reid, Kelly Ritter, Shirley K Rose, Dan Royer, Carol Rutz, Eileen E. Schell, David E. Schwalm, Dawn Shepherd, Gail Shuck, Martha A. Townsend, Elizabeth Vander Lei, Elizabeth Wardle, Irwin Weiser, and Stephen Wilhoit.

About the Editor

Rita Malenczyk is Professor of English and Director of the Writing Program and Writing Center at Eastern Connecticut State University, where she has directed the writing program since 1994 and the writing center since 2008. Her work on writing program and center administration has appeared in numerous journals and edited collections. She served as the President of the Council of Writing Program Administrators from 2013 until 2015.

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