Series Editor
Victor E. Taylor, South Dakota State University

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CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION LEADERSHIP features titles focusing on emerging opportunities and challenges facing higher ed leaders from across institutional settings. By utilizing an efficient micro-book format (25,000 to 35,000 words), the series provides intensive studies of wide-ranging topics crucial to developing and sustaining effective and innovative leadership strategies for a 21st-century higher ed ecosystem.

Areas of inquiry may include but are not limited to

  • Academic affairs
  • GenAI and university leadership
  • Budget and finance
  • Student success programming
  • Institutional advancement
  • Leadership in athletics
  • Change leadership theories and practices 
  • Admissions and enrollment management
  • DEI in higher education
  • Profiles in leadership


The audience for the series includes administrative professionals in higher ed and graduate students in leadership studies programs. The micro-book format makes the titles an affordable and pedagogically effective option for professional development workshops and courses across the higher ed studies degree and other credential programs.

Series Advisory Board

  • Derrick Anderson, Arizona State University
  • Robert Gray Atkins, Founder, Gray Design Intelligence
  • Graeme Harper, Dean, Honors College, Oakland University
  • Nina Lyon-Bennet, Assistant Dean, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
  • Anne Karabon, Director, School of Education, Counseling, and Human Development, South Dakota State University
  • Kimberly McCorkel, Provost, East Tennessee State University
  • Robert Weisbuch, Director, Robert Weisbuch and Associates, Past President, Drew University

Submission and Contact Information

Queries should be directed to Victor E. Taylor (


Review our full submission guidelines here.

Your proposal should outline the rationale and projected audience for the book and its relation to other books in the field; include the book's table of contents or a chapter outline, the estimated length and the timetable for completion, the introduction, and (if available) a sample chapter. Please also send the CV of the author(s) or editor(s).

Victor E. Taylor photo

About the Editor

Victor E. Taylor is the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Extended Studies/Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies at South Dakota State University. He has authored or edited numerous books, including Divisible Derridas (with Stephen G. Nichols), Christianity, Plasticity and Spectral Heritages, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Postmodernism (with Charles E. Winquist), and Conversations in Cultural Rhetoric and Composition Studies (with Keith Gilyard). He has also edited multiple book series with Johns Hopkins University Press and the Davies Publishing Group. He has served as the executive editor of The Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory since 2005.


Banner photo Photo by Rick Rothenberg on Unsplash