Edited by Janine Morris and Kelly Concannon
Writing Program Administration
Edited by Chris Carter and Laura Micciche
Information and Pricing
978-1-64317-312-2 (paperback, $35.99); 978-1-64317-313-9 (hardcover, $69.99); 978-1-64317-314-6 (PDF, $19.99); 978-1-64317-315-3 ($19.99) © 2022 by Parlor Press. 344 pages, with notes, bibliography, and index.
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Podcast Interview
"A Conversation on Emotions and Affect in Writing Centers" with Janine Morris and Kelly Concannon." Podcast. Connecting Writing Centers across Borders: A Blog of WLN." 17 March 2023.
About This Book
Emotions and Affect In Writing Centers explores how emotions and affect are lived, embodied, and experienced in writing centers. Fifteen chapters provide perspectives on emotions and affect from both tutor and writing center director perspectives. Collaboratively written and single-authored chapters focus on topics such as listening, burnout, tutor training, and emotional labor. Using several methodological approaches, including narratives, reflections, conversation analysis, and quantitative and qualitative studies, contributors identify how multiple identities, experiences, and histories can be mobilized through attention to emotions and affect. Contributors offer readers particular recommendations throughout the collection, including suggestions for training and future conversations between writing center stakeholders. Contributors also argue for adaptability, as they reflect on the impact of political and cultural events on the emotive qualities of writing center work.
Contributors include Lisa Bell, Lauren Brentnell, Marilee Brooks-Gillies, Nicole Caswell, Nicole Chavannes, Erica Cirillo-McCarthy, Monique Cole, Steven J. Corbett, Kristi Murray Costello, Celeste Del Russo, Elise Dixon, Genie Giaimo, Jackie Grutsch McKinney, Jordan Guido, Mike Haen, Kelin Hull, Luke A. Iantorno, Rebecca Jackson, Elizabeth Leahy, Neal Lerner, Sabrina Louissaint, Anna Rita Napoleone, Kate Navickas, Kyle Oddis, Rachel Robinson, Tabatha Simpson-Farrow, Lisha Daniels Storey, and Katherine Villarreal.
About the Editors
Janine Morris is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts at Nova Southeastern University. She is also a Faculty Coordinator at the NSU Writing and Communication Center. Her work has been published in several edited collections and journals, including WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, Peitho, College English, Pedagogy, and Composition Studies.

Kelly Concannon is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts at Nova Southeastern University. She is also a Faculty Coordinator at the NSU Writing and Communication Center. Her book, Peace and Social Justice Education, was published in the winter of 2015. She has published book chapters in Teaching Peace through Popular Culture, The School Violence Reference Handbook, and A History of Evil in Popular Culture. Her articles have been published in WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, Reflections, Civic Writing, and Service Learning, The Journal of Feminist Scholarship, Academic Exchange Quarterly, Enculturation, Community Literacy, Journal for Expanded Perspectives on Learning, College Literature, and The Journal of Advanced Composition.