Edited by John Holbo
Glassbead Books
A Valve Book Event
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978-1-60235-014-4 (paperback; $22.00); 978-1-60235-015-1 (PDF, Free) 256 pages.
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About This Book
Framing Theory's Empire started life as a “book event”—an online, roundtable-style symposium on Theory’s Empire (Columbia UP, 2005). Two dozen contributors offered reviews, criticism, and commentary. Now in book form, it includes a preface by Scott McLemee and afterthoughts from Theory’s Empire’s editors.
What People Are Saying
As the Theory Era draws to a close, we need more than ever intelligent rumination and debate over what it all meant. Theory's Empire was an important step in that direction. Framing Theory's Empire carries on the conversation with sophistication and flair. —Denis Dutton, editor, Philosophy & Literature
It's rare for authors to have their work be the object of a lengthy, detailed, serious and lively dialogue shortly after its publication. John Holbo's commitment to using the Internet as an instrument for bringing about precisely such a dialogue is a wonderful example of how new technologies can enhance the quality of our intellectual exchanges. And to make that lively dialogue be the object of another book, on-line and in hard copy, is a further contribution. —Daphne Patai, editor, Theory's Empire
Mark Bauerlein, Michael Bérubé, Timothy Burke, Chris Cagle, Christopher Conway, Will H. Corral, Jodi Dean, Brad DeLong, Morris Dickstein, John Emerson, Jonathan Goodwin, Daniel Green, Matt Greenfield, John Holbo, Mark Kaplan, Scott Eric Kaufman, Adam Kotsko, Kathleen Lowrey, Jonathan Mayhew, Sean McCann, Scott McLemee, John McGowan, Daphne Patai, Kenneth Rufo, Amardeep Sing, and Jeffrey Wallen.

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