The Magnetic Brackets


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Jesús Losada
Translated by Michael Smith and Luis Ingelmo

Free Verse Editions
Edited by Jon Thompson

Information and Pricing
978-1-60235-606-1 (paperback, $16); 978-1-60235-607-8 (PDF, $9.99); 978-1-60235-608-5 (EPUB, $9.99) © 2015 by Parlor Press. 136 pages.

Bookstores: Order by fax, mail, or phone. See our "Sales and Ordering Page" for details.

Praise for The Magnetic Brackets

"The Magnetic Brackets is one of the liveliest and truest poetical testaments that a reader can tackle in these times of disbelief, of half-truths, of vacuity and passivity in thought. For this is one more gift from the book: where thought and feeling are perfectly merged."

—Antonio Colinas

About the Author

Jesús Losada (Zamora, 1962) is the author of eleven collections of poetry, among them Huerto cerrado del amor (2nd prize, Premio Adonáis, 1994), La noche del funambulista (Premio Provincia, 1998), and Corazón frontera (Premio “San Juan de la Cruz”, 2010. He has over twenty years of professional management in cultural events and academic experience. He holds a PhD in Spanish and Portuguese Philology, as well as a BA in Romance Languages.

About the Translators

Michael Smith (Dublin, 1942–2014) is a poet whose Collected Poems was published in 2009. His translations, many in collaboration with Luis Ingelmo, of Spanish and Latin American poets are numerous and have been critically acclaimed. The latest collection of his own poems, Prayers for the Dead & Other Poems, appeared in 2014. He was a member of Aosdána, the Irish National Academy of Artists.

Luis Ingelmo (Palencia, 1970) holds degrees in English Philology and Philosophy. His cotranslations with Michael Smith include the poems of Elsa Cross, Claudio Rodríguez, and Aníbal Núñez, among many others. His translations into Spanish include works by Thomas MacGreevy, Wole Soyinka, Natasha Trethewey and Derek Walcott. He is the author of the book of short tales, La métrica del olvido [The Metrics of Oblivion], and a poetry collection, Aguapié [Pomace Wine].

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