Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2017

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Edited by Kate Vieira, Vincent Portillo, and Jason Luther, David Blakesley, and Steve Parks

Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition Series
Edited by Jessica Pauszek, Kristi Girdharry, Charles Lesh, and Steve Parks

Information and Pricing
978-1-64317-009-1 (paperback, $34) 978-1-64317-010-7 (PDF; $19.99). 382 pages with illustrations, notes, and bibliographies. © 2018 by Parlor Press. Individual essays in this book have been reprinted with permission of the respective copyright owners.

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Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2017 represents the result of a nationwide conversation—beginning with journal editors, but expanding to teachers, scholars and workers across the discipline of Rhetoric and Composition—to select essays that showcase the innovative and transformative work now being published in the field’s independent journals. Representing both print and digital journals in the field, the essays featured here explore issues ranging from classroom practice to writing in global and digital contexts, from writing workshops to community activism. Together, the essays provide readers with a rich understanding of the present and future direction of the field.

The anthology features work by the following authors and representing these journals: Justin K. Rademaekers (Across the Disciplines), Lucía Durá, Consuelo Salas, William Medina-Jerez, and Virginia Hill (Community Literacy Journal), Derek Mueller (Composition Forum), Shawna Shapiro, Michelle Cox, Gail Shuck, and Emily Simnitt (Composition Studies), Sarah Orem and Neil Simpkins (Enculturation), Tal Fitzpatrick and Katve-Kaisa Kontturi (Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion), Dan Melzer (Journal of Basic Writing), Ryan T. Miller, Thomas D. Mitchell, and Silvia Pessoa (Journal of Second Language Writing), Peter C. Bakke and Jim A. Kuypers (KB Journal), Christa J. Olson and Madison Nancy Reddy (Literacy in Composition Studies), Robin Reames (Philosophy and Rhetoric), andré carrington (Present Tense), Michelle Hall Kells (Reflections), Marie E. Moeller and Erin A. Frost (Technical Communication Quarterly), Lisa Zimmerelli and Victoria Bridges (WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship)


Kate Vieira, Vincent Portillo, and Jason Luther

Across the Disciplines
Is WAC/WID Ready for the Transdisciplinary Research University?
Justin K. Rademaekers

Community Literacy Journal
De aquí y de allá: Changing Perceptions of Literacy through Food Pedagogy, Asset-Based Narratives, and Hybrid Spaces
Lucía Durá, Consuelo Salas, William Medina-Jerez, and Virginia Hill

Composition Forum
Mapping the Resourcefulness of Sources: A Worknet Pedagogy
Derek Mueller

Composition Studies
Teaching for Agency: From Appreciating Linguistic Diversity to Empowering Student Writers
Shawna Shapiro, Michelle Cox, Gail Shuck, and Emily Simnitt

Weepy Rhetoric, Trigger Warnings, and the Work of Making Mental Illness Visible in the Writing Classroom
Sarah Orem and Neil Simpkins

Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion
Crafting Change: Practicing Activism in Contemporary Australia
Tal Fitzpatrick and Katve-Kaisa Kontturi

Journal of Basic Writing
Remedial, Basic, Advanced: Evolving Frameworks for First-Year Composition at the California State University
Dan Melzer

Journal of Second Language Writing
Impact of Source Texts and Prompts on Students’ Genre Uptake
Ryan T. Miller, Thomas D. Mitchell, and Silvia Pessoa

KB Journal
The Syrian Civil War, International Outreach, and a Clash of Worldviews
Peter C. Bakke and Jim A. Kuypers

Literacy in Composition Studies
“The Advantages of Knowing How to Read and Write:” Literacy, Filmic pedagogies, and the Hemispheric Projection of US Influence
Christa J. Olson and Madison Nancy Reddy

Philosophy and Rhetoric
Seeming and Being in the “Cosmetics” of Sophistry: The Infamous Analogy of Plato’s Gorgias
Robin Reames

Present Tense
Implicating the State: Black Lives, A Matter of Speculative Rhetoric
andré carrington

A Prison Story: Public Rhetoric, Community Writing, and the Politics of Gender
Michelle Hall Kells

Technical Communication Quarterly
Food Fights: Cookbook Rhetorics, Monolithic Constructions of Womanhood, and Field Narratives in Technical Communication
Marie E. Moeller and Erin A. Frost

WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship
Service-Learning Tutor Education: A Model of Action
Lisa Zimmerelli and Victoria Bridges

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