Krista Ratcliffe and Kyle Jensen
Studies in Rhetorics and Feminisms
Edited by Cheryl Glenn and Shirley Wilson Logan
Information and Pricing
978-1-64317-323-8 (paperback, $32.99); 978-1-64317-324-5 (hardcover, $65.99); 978-1-64317-325-2 (PDF, $24.99); 978-1-64317-326-9 (EPUB, $24.99) © 2022 by Parlor Press, with illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. 264 pages.
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About This Book
Rhetorical Listening in Action: A Concept-Tactic Approach aims to cultivate writers who can listen across differences in preparation for thinking critically, communicating, and acting across those differences. Krista Ratcliffe and Kyle Jensen offer a rhetorical education centered on rhetorical listening as it inflects other rhetorical concepts, such as agency, rhetorical situation, identification, myth, and rhetorical devices.
Rhetorical Listening in Action spans classical and contemporary rhetoric, reading key concepts through rhetorical listening and supported by scholarship in rhetoric and composition, feminist studies, critical race studies, and intersectionality theory. The book expands on how we think about and negotiate difference and the factors that mediate social relations and competing cultural logics. Along the way, Ratcliffe and Jensen associate creative and heuristic tactics with clearly defined concepts to give all writers methods for listening rhetorically to and understanding alternative viewpoints.
For writers new to the concepts of rhetorical listening, four appendices show how these concepts illuminate rhetoric, language, discourse, argument, writing processes, research, and style.
About the Authors

Krista Ratcliffe is Foundation Professor and Chair in the Department of English at Arizona State University. She earned her doctorate from The Ohio State University (1988) and has been a professor and chair of English at Marquette University and Purdue University. Her research focuses on intersections of rhetoric, feminist theory, and critical race studies. Her books include: Anglo-American Challenges to the Rhetorical Traditions: Virginia Woolf, Mary Daly, and Adrienne Rich (1996); Who's Having This Baby? (2002); Rhetorical Listening: Identification, Gender, Whiteness (2006), which won the 2006 JAC Gary Olson Award, the 2007 CCCC Outstanding Book Award, and the 2007 Rhetoric Society of America Book Award; Performing Feminist Administration in Rhetoric and Composition Studies (2010) co-edited with Rebecca Rickly; Silence and Listening as Rhetorical Arts (2011) co-edited with Cheryl Glenn; and Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial Hauntings in Popular Culture, Social Media, and Education (2017) co-edited with Tammy Kennedy and Joyce Middleton, which won a 2018 CCCC Outstanding Edited Book Award. Her work has also appeared in edited collections and academic journals, such as CCC, JAC, Rhetoric Review, College English, and Rhetoric Society Quarterly. Her national service has included serving as president of the Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) and the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition (CFSHRC). She is also a Fellow of the Rhetoric Society of America.

Kyle Jensen is Professor of English and Director of Writing Programs at Arizona State University. He is the author or co-editor of five previous books, including Reimagining Process: Online Writing Archives and the Future of Writing Studies (2015), The War of Words by Kenneth Burke (2018), and Kenneth Burke’s Weed Garden: Refiguring the Grounds of Modern Rhetoric (2022). His work has also appeared in edited collections and academic journals, including Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Quarterly Journal of Speech, JAC, and Rhetoric Review.