Best of the Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals 2013


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Edited by Steve Parks, Brian Bailie, Heather Christiansen, Elisabeth Miller, and Morris Young

Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition Series
Edited by Jessica Pauszek, Kristi Girdharry, Charles Lesh, and Steve Parks

Information and Pricing
978-1-60235-642-9 (Paperback; $34); 978-1-60235-643-6 (PDF; $19.99); 978-1-60235-644-3 (EPUB, $19.99). 418 pages with illustrations, notes, and bibliographies. © 2015 by Parlor Press. Individual essays in this book have been reprinted with permission of the respective copyright owners.

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The Best of the Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals 2013 represents the result of a nationwide conversation—beginning with journal editors, but expanding to teachers, scholars and workers across the discipline of Rhetoric and Composition—to select essays that showcase the innovative and transformative work now being published in the field's independent journals. Representing both print and digital journals in the field, the essays featured here explore issues ranging from classroom practice to writing in global and digital contexts, from writing workshops to community activism. Together, the essays provide readers with a rich understanding of the present and future direction of the field.

The anthology features work by the following authors and representing these journals: Mya Poe (Across the Disciplines), Michelle Hall Kells (Community Literacy Journal), Liane Robertson, Kara Taczak, and Kathleen Blake Yancey (Composition Forum), Paula Rosinski and Tim Peeples (Composition Studies), Mark Sample, Annette Vee, David M Rieder, Alexandria Lockett, Karl Stolley, and Elizabeth Losh (Enculturation), Andrew Vogel (Harlot), Steve Lamos (Journal of Basic Writing), Steve Sherwood (Journal of Teaching Writing), Scott Nelson et al. (Kairos), Kate Vieira (Literacy in Composition Studies), Heidi Estrem and E. Shelley Reid (Pedagogy), Rochelle Gregory (Present Tense), Grace Wetzel and "Wes" (Reflections), Eliot Rendleman (The Writing Lab Newsletter), and Rebecca Jones and Heather Palmer (Writing on the Edge).


Elisabeth Miller and Morris Young

Across the Disciplines
1 Re-Framing Race in Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum
Mya Poe

Community Literacy Journal
2 What’s Writing Got to Do with It?: Citizen Wisdom, Civil Rights Activism, and 21st Century Community Literacy
Michelle Hall Kells

Composition Forum
3 Notes Toward A Theory of Prior Knowledge and Its Role In College Composers’ Transfer of Knowledge and Practice
Liane Robertson, Kara Taczak and Kathleen Blake Yancey

Composition Studies
4 Forging Rhetorical Subjects: Problem Based Learning in the Writing Classroom
Paula Rosinski and Tim Peeples

5 The Role of Computational Literacy in Computers and Writing
Mark Sample and Annette Vee

Programming Is the New Ground of Writing
David M. Rieder

Coding Values
Annette Vee

Five BASIC Statements on Computational Literacy
Mark Sample

I am Not a Computer Programmer
Alexandria Lockett

Source Literacy: A Vision of Craft
Karl Stolley

The Anxiety of Programming: Why Teachers Should Relax and Administrators Should Worry
Elizabeth Losh

6 Recitative: The Persuasive Tenor of Jazz Culture in Langston Hughes, Billy Strayhorn, and John Coltrane
Andrew Vogel

Journal of Basic Writing
7 Minority-Serving Institutions, Race-Conscious “Dwelling,” and Possible Futures for Basic Writing at Predominantly White Institutions
Steve Lamos

Journal of Teaching Writing
8 Humor and the Rhetorical Proprieties in the Writing Classroom
Steve Sherwood

9 Crossing Battle Lines: Teaching Multimodal Literacies through Alternate Reality Games
Scott Nelson, Chris Ortiz y Prentice, M. Catherine Coleman, Eric Detweiler, Marjorie Foley, Kendall Gerdes, Cleve Wiese, R. Scott Garbacz, and Matt King

Literacy in Composition Studies
10 On the Social Consequences of Literacy
Kate Vieira

11 What New Writing Teachers Talk about When They Talk about Teaching
Heidi Estrem and E. Shelley Reid

Present Tense
12 A Womb With a View: Identifying the Culturally Iconic Fetal Image in Prenatal Ultrasound Provisions
Rochelle Gregory

13 Prison Collaborative Writing: Building Strong Mutuality in Community-Based Learning
Grace Wetzel and “Wes”

The Writing Lab Newsletter
14 Lexicography: Self-Analysis and Defining the Keywords of our Missions
Eliot Rendleman

Writing on the Edge
15 Counter-Coulter: A Story of Craft and Ethos
Rebecca Jones and Heather Palmer

About the Editors

Steve Parks is associate professor of writing and rhetoric at Syracuse University where he teaches entry-level and advanced courses in composition theory and practice. He has published two books: Gravyland: Writing Beyond the Curriculum in the City of Brotherly Love (Syracuse University Press 2010) and Class Politics: The Students' Right to Their Own Language (Parlor Press 2013). He has also published articles in Journal of College Composition and Communication, College English, Community Literacy Journal, and Reflections. He established New City Community Press ( in Philadelphia as well as Gifford Street Community Press ( in Syracuse. Over the past two years, he has been working with democratic activists in the Middle East and North Africa.

Brian Bailie is a PhD candidate in the Composition and Cultural Rhetoric program at Syracuse University. His work focuses on the intersections of protest and media, technology and transnationalism, identity and material rhetoric, and the ways activists exploit, expand, resist, and utilize these intersections to their advantage. Bailie has served as contributor, associate editor, and special issue editor for Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy. His most recent publications have appeared in the KB Journal  and Composition Forum.

Heather Christiansen is a PhD student in the Rhetoric, Communication and Information Design program at Clemson University. Her research interests include visual rhetoric, the rhetoric of brand communities, identity, and user experience design. She currently serves as the managing editor of The WAC Journal.

Elisabeth Miller is a PhD candidate in Composition and Rhetoric at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She is currently completing a dissertation, Literacy beyond Language, on the literate practices of persons with aphasia, or language-related disability caused by stroke or other brain injury. She has taught introductory and intermediate writing, served as Assistant Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at UW-Madison, and acted as coordinator for the Madison Writing Assistance community writing program. Her work has appeared in Community Literacy Journal and Writing Lab Newsletter.

Morris Young is professor of English at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His book, Minor Re/Visions: Asian American Literacy Narratives as a Rhetoric of Citizenship (Southern Illinois UP, 2004) received the 2004 W. Ross Winterowd Award and the 2006 CCCC Outstanding Book Award. With LuMing Mao, he coedited Representations: Doing Asian American Rhetoric (Utah State UP, 2008), which received an honorable mention for the 2009 Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize from MLA. He is currently working on a project that examines the conceptual and material spaces of Asian American rhetoric.

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