Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing Writing for a Socially Just Future

Asao B. Inoue978-1-60235-773-0

Format: Paperback
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Asao B. Inoue

Perspectives on Writing
Series Editors: Susan H. McLeod and Rich Rice

Information and Pricing
978-1-60235-773-0 (paperback; $40) 978-1-60235-774-7 (PDF; $19.99) © 2015 by Asao B. Inoue. 345 pages with notes and bibliography. The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. PDF and ePub versions are also available at

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  • CCCC Outstanding Book Award (2017)
  • Council of Writing Program Administrators, Best Book Award (2017)



In Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies, Asao B. Inoue theorizes classroom writing assessment as a complex system that is "more than" its interconnected elements. To explain how and why antiracist work in the writing classroom is vital to literacy learning, Inoue incorporates ideas about the white racial habitus that informs dominant discourses in the academy and other contexts. Inoue helps teachers understand the unintended racism that often occurs when teachers do not have explicit antiracist agendas in their assessments. Drawing on his own teaching and classroom inquiry, Inoue offers a heuristic for developing and critiquing writing assessment ecologies that explores seven elements of any writing assessment ecology: power, parts, purposes, people, processes, products, and places.

About the Author

Asao InoueAsao B. Inoue is a professor and the associate dean for Academic Affairs, Equity, and Inclusion in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at Arizona State University. He has published on writing assessment, validity, and composition pedagogy in Assessing Writing, The Journal of Writing Assessment, Composition Forum, and Research in the Teaching of English, among other journals and collections. His co-edited collection Race and Writing Assessment (2012) won the CCCC's Outstanding Book Award for an edited collection.


Introduction: Writing Assessment Ecologies as Antiracist Projects
Chapter 1: The Function of Race in Writing Assessments
Chapter 2: Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies
Chapter 3: The Elements of an Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecology
Chapter 4: Approaching Antiracist Work in an Assessment Ecology
Chapter 5: Designing Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies
Appendix A: English 160W's Grading Contract
Appendix B: Example Problem Posing Labor Process

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