The WPA Outcomes Statement—A Decade Later

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Edited by Nicholas N. Behm, Gregory R. Glau, Deborah H. Holdstein, Duane Roen, and Edward M. White

Winner of the Best Book Award 2013 from the Council of Writing Program Administrators.

Writing Program Administration
Edited by Chris Carter and Laura Micciche

Information and Pricing
978-1-60235-296-4 (paperback, $32) 978-1-60235-297-1 (hardcover, $65) 978-1-60235-298-8 (PDF, $19.99) © 2013 by Parlor Press. 344 pages, with notes, bibliography, appendix, and index.

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About This Book

The WPA Outcomes Statement—A Decade Later addresses the national and global dispersion and influence of the Council of Writing Program Administrators’ Outcomes Statement ten years after its adoption and publication. Relating how the Outcomes Statement informs the work of writing programs, writing centers, and English departments, the essays demonstrate the significant influence of the Outcomes Statement in and across institutions in various institutional categories. The WPA Outcomes Statement—A Decade Later contributes to the scholarly conversation by discussing relevant issues of assessment and accountability in institutional contexts. Edited by Nicholas N. Behm, Gregory R. Glau, Deborah H. Holdstein, Duane Roen, and Edward M. White, the collection also interrogates the politics that may pervade writing programs as writing program administrators attempt to adapt the Outcomes Statement to suit local institutional contexts, implement the revised outcomes, and develop curricula that support and manifest those outcomes. The collection explores programmatic issues that may result from its implementation and corresponding assessment strategies for measuring its impact on student learning.

The WPA Outcomes Statement—A Decade Later serves as an informative resource for former, current, and future writing program administrators, scholars within composition studies and writing program administration, and other stakeholders concerned about writing programs, writing assessment, and the teaching of writing.

Contributors include Linda Adler-Kassner, Paul Anderson, Chris M. Anson, Darsie Bowden, Lizbeth A. Bryant, Micheal Callaway, Barbara J. D’Angelo, Debra Frank Dew, J. S. Dunn, Jr., Heidi Estrem, Justin Everett, Sarah Fabian, Suzanne Gray, Morgan Gresham, Teresa Grettano, Kimberly Harrison, Judy Holiday, Rebecca Ingalls, Emily Isaacs, Craig Jacobsen, Melinda Knight, Hava Levitt-Phillips, Barry M. Maid, Paul Kei Matsuda, Susan Miller-Cochran, Karen Bishop Morris, Tracy Ann Morse, Wendy Olson, Kimberly Coupe Pavlock, Deirdre Pettipiece, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, Shelley Rodrigo, Ryan Skinnell, Sarah Soebbing, Doug Sweet, Susan Thomas, Martha Townsend, Stephen Wilhoit, and Kathleen Blake Yancey.

About the Editors

Nicholas N. Behm is an Assistant Professor of English at Elmhurst College in Illinois, where he teaches courses in composition and rhetoric and studies composition pedagogy and theory, whiteness studies, and critical race theory. His research examines how first-year composition textbooks may reinforce white privilege and maintain white hegemony.

Gregory R. Glau is Associate Professor and Director of the University Writing Program at Northern Arizona University. With Duane Roen and Barry Maid, he is the co-author of The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life and has published numerous academic essays, especially focused on basic writing. His latest book, co-authored with Chitra Duttagupta of Utah Valley University, is Everyday Writing (Pearson, 2012).

Deborah H. Holdstein is Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Professor of English at Columbia College Chicago. Holdstein recently completed a five-year term as editor of College Composition and Communication. She has published widely in composition and rhetoric, film, technology, and literature and has also directed the Consultant-Evaluator Service of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. She has served on the MLA Publications Committee, the Executive Board of the CWPA, the Executive Committee of CCCC, and as an Officer of the CCCC. Her most recent book, co-edited with Andrea Greenbaum, is Judaic Perspectives in Composition and Rhetoric (Hampton Press, 2008), and her work has appeared in such journals as CCC, College English, WPA: Writing Program Administration, and Pedagogy.

Duane Roen is Professor of English at Arizona State University, where he also serves as Assistant Vice Provost for University Academic Success Programs, Head of Interdisciplinary and Liberal Studies, and Head of Technical Communication. In addition to more than 250 articles, chapters, and conference presentations, he has published eight books. He has served as secretary of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (2007–2011). He currently serves as president of the Council of Writing Program Administrators (2011–2013).

Edward M. White, a Visiting Scholar at the University of Arizona, has written or edited fourteen books and about one hundred articles or book chapters on writing, writing instruction, and writing assessment. His best-known books are Teaching and Assessing Writing, which won a Shaughnessy award from the Modern Language Association in 1994, and Assessment of Writing, an MLA research volume, published in 1996. He received the 2011 Exemplar Award from CCCC, and is featured in Writing Assessment in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White (Hampton, 2012).

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